Thursday, November 3, 2016

8 months - Ryker

My little buddy Ryker is 8 months old today! Time is flying with this kid! My big boy is moving everywhere, crawling, standing, climbing, cruising, and walking with a push walker. It's not often that he sits still, but when he does, his new favorite activity is clapping! I tried for weeks to teach him to clap and then big sister stepped in and showed him how it's done and he got it right away. He now loves to clap for himself any time he obeys when we tell him "no". Speaking of "no", he's finally started to understand what it means and he obeys most of the time, although more recently he's started pitching a bit of a fit when he can't have something he wants. I'm happy to say that me and Ryker's nursing journey is still going strong. Lately when he nurses he becomes a bit of a gymnast and likes to stand and roll while still eating. It's interesting to say the least. Verbally, he's started babbling a lot more over the past couple of weeks. He's started babbling "dadada" and "lalala" lately. We're still waiting on any teeth to pop through even though he has seemed to be teething for several weeks now. However lack of teeth hasn't stopped him from eating everything in sight. At this point he mostly just eats whatever we're eating within reason. He's not too picky unless it's medicine. Once he sees the syringe he clamps his jaw shut and spits it out. He's a stubborn one. Ryker is finally starting to sleep better. He's consistently takes 2 naps a day around 9:30 and 1:30 and then goes to bed around 6:30. At night he generally wakes up around 4 and sometimes 5:30 to eat and then wakes up for the day around 8. I love my little bubby and have been enjoying watching him grow!

Ryker likes: blocks, balls, anything he can chew on, bath time, nursing, being on the move.

Ryker dislikes: sitting still, diaper changes, being told "no".

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