Saturday, March 21, 2015

1 Month

Miss Ilyana is already a month old! Where did the last four weeks go? Life with Ilyana has been more wonderful than I could have ever imagined! I just love being her mommy! She has a very sweet, calm, snuggly demeanor and has been such a wonderful easy baby. She rarely cries for any reason besides being hungry or gassy, usually sleeps about 3.5-4 hours between feedings at night, and is a great napper during the day as well. We really could not have asked for a better baby!

Ilyana loves: Snuggles, being swaddled, laying chest to chest, being wrapped up in warm blankets (just like daddy!), sucking (on a pacifier, her hand, a finger, a bottle, anything she can!), listening to mommy or daddy sing.

Ilyana doesn't like: Being gassy, being cold, having to wait for a bottle.

Weight: About 8 lbs. 

Height: 20 in.

In other Marzen family news, it sounds like our house should be done sometime near the end of April. We are so excited to finally be able to move in and have more space! Also, in May Jake will be graduating college and starting as a full time employee with Rockwell. I am so proud of how hard Jake has been working, especially these past few weeks. He works so hard to get good grades, support our family, and still manages to make time to spend with his girls. He is such a fantastic husband and father, I couldn't ask for more!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Having a baby, the things they don't tell you.

At 1.5 weeks postpartum, I've realized there are quite a few things (good and bad!) that no one ever seems to tell you about having a baby, so I've decided to start a list! Feel free to add to the list in the comments section!

Labor and delivery:

1. You don't really see the actual doctor often, it's mostly just you and your nurse. Make sure you like your nurse, you want to feel comfortable with them. (I loved my nurse, Keely!) If you don't feel comfortable with your nurse, consider asking for a new nurse, however, give them a chance, some nurses take some time to warm up to!

2. You can't eat while in labor (besides popsicles and chicken broth), eat before you go in!

3. If you are even considering the epidural, sign the consent form before you're in the heat of labor! By the time I decided I wanted it there was no way I could have signed a piece of paper!

4. Being in labor can make you shake (like full body convulsions), this is totally normal.

5. You might throw up while in labor. It's ok, just let your nurse know you're feeling nauseated, they'll hold a bag for you.

6. Getting an epidural hurts, but it sets in pretty fast.

7. Things won't go exactly as planned. Find peace with that before giving birth and it'll be a lot more enjoyable.

8. You will probably poop while pushing, you probably won't even know it.

9. During pushing, the doctor will probably use a finger to stretch out the hole around the head. This hurts, but it means you're close!

10. Even with an epidural, pushing hurts.

11. The moment they put your baby up on your chest is indescribable.


1. All the stuff in baby crib they use (receiving blankets, burp cloths, diapers, etc.) are free game, take them.

2. Breastfeeding causes menstrual-like cramps.

3. Breastfeeding is hard and is a lot of trouble shooting. You will figure one thing out and a whole new problem will come up.

4. Get a lot of disposable breast pads (the reusable don't work as well), you will leak A LOT once your milk comes in.

5. Personally, I think the recovery is worse than the actual birth. You'll probably be in significant pain for days.

6. I promise the pain will get better (I think I started feeling noticeably better around day 5).

7. If you're in a lot of pain, ask your nurses for stronger pain meds (they can even give you a prescription to take home).

8. Take your stool softener. After your first few bowel movements, continue to take the stool softener.

9. No matter how prepared you feel, there will be a time when you feel like you don't know what you're doing. I promise you and your baby will be ok!

10. Babies smile in their sleep. It is the cutest thing ever.

11. Postpartum depression doesn't necessarily mean you'll feel sad (although it might!). For me I felt apathetic and cried at the drop of a hat. Talk with your spouse about how you feel, it really helps to just acknowledge it!

12. You will probably receive a lot of unsolicited parenting advice. The most gracious response I've come up with so far is "This is what my husband and I have decided is best for our family".

13. Paper plates, bowls, cups, and silverware are a lifesaver when you're at home. Nobody wants to be doing dishes those first few days...

All in all, having a baby is hard, but it is SO worth it!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Ilyana Noel Marzen

(I realize this post is a bit delayed, but having a baby is time consuming!)

Ilyana Noel Marzen was born Saturday February 21st 2015 at 6:58pm. She weighed 6 lbs. 5 oz. and measured 19 in. long. She is perfect in every way! Here's her birth story...

Saturday morning I woke up around 7 and was laying in bed thinking about how I felt very overwhelmed with the idea of going to church the next day. If we went, people would be pestering us about when we were going to have this baby, but if we stayed home we would be receiving texts and calls all day asking if we missed because we were in labor! After some prayer and meditation thinking about how God is our protector I drifted back to sleep until around 8 o'clock. Around 8 I felt a small amount of fluid leak out, at first I just figured it was some weird pregnancy thing (there's a lot going on down there when you're 39 weeks pregnant!), but when I got up to go to the bathroom there was a huge gush of fluid! At this point I knew, this was either my water breaking or my bladder had exploded (either way, it was time to go to the hospital). Before rushing off to the bathroom, I turned to Jake and said something along the lines of "Uh, Jake, I think my water just broke.". He woke right up and was very excited (who gets a full night of sleep before going into labor?!). After showering and eating some breakfast we headed off to the hospital. Around 9 o'clock they checked to see if my water had broke and knew right away that it was indeed my water. They checked my cervix at this point and I was dilated to 3.5 cm, 100% effaced, and her head was at 0 station. After they admitted us and set us up in our room they suggested we walk the halls a bit to see if we could get some contractions started (at this point I wasn't feeling any). Around 12:30 I still wasn't feeling much besides the occasional mild contraction and the doctors were planning to re-access around 1 o'clock to decide if I needed pitocin (a drug that brings on strong contractions, which I really didn't want!) so we decided to give our essential oils a try and rubbed some Joy (which has jasmine oil in it) on my stomach and ankles. Within minutes I started feeling mild but consistent contractions! Around 1 o'clock they were glad to see that I was starting to contract, however, if I wasn't progressing (which they thought was likely since the contractions were so mild) they were strongly considering the pitocin. But when they checked me I was already dilated to 5 cm! After getting checked, contractions started to really pick up and become closer together and more painful so I decided to get into the whirlpool bathtub to try to help ease some of the back labor pain. At this point, I really didn't have any sense of time. It seemed to me that only about 10 minutes had passed when in reality it had been closer to about 30-45 minutes before I was telling (begging) Jake to tell a nurse to get me an epidural. The back labor at this point was just too much to handle. I wasn't even aware of when I was having contractions because the back labor was so intense. As Jake went to go call our nurse, I was sitting (writhing) in the bathtub when all of the sudden the whirlpool jets turned on for no reason. I think I was just overwhelmed by the loud noise on top of everything my body was going through and I started yelling at them as I tried to find the button to turn them off! This was the point that I really started to break down emotionally. Around 3:00 I was finally out of the tub, gowned, and back in the hospital bed. As they waited for the anesthesiologist to arrive, they checked my cervix again and I was still at 5 cm, but her head had moved down to +1 station. Finally the anesthesiologist arrived and I was able to get an epidural (thank God I had listened to my nurse that morning and signed the consent forms for the epidural "just in case". There was no way at this point that I could have signed anything.). For those of you who don't know, I HATE needles, so a large needle going into my back was a pretty horrible experience. Before they can put in the actual epidural they have to give you a shot in the back to help numb your back. This was probably the worst part of labor for me. I was already in excruciating pain from the back labor and contractions, the shot was extremely painful, I was thinking about the large needle in my back, and I had the anesthesiologist yelling at me to calm down (You calm down, buddy! You aren't the one in labor with a large needle in your back!)! Finally, I was able to calm down enough that they were able to get the epidural in and the pain started to diminish. Around 4:00, once the epidural had set in, they checked me again and I was at 8 cm. Apparently the relaxation the epidural gave was exactly what my body needed. The plan at this point was to check me again around 6:00 so I watched a movie while Jake finished writing a paper, it was great! Around 5:30 I started to notice some added pressure 'down there' and felt like I wanted to push. A little after 6 the doctor finally came in to check me and confirmed that I was indeed at 10 cm and her head was down far enough that she could probably see it if she cheated. At 6:19 it was time to start pushing! The first 20 minutes or so the pushing wasn't too bad, just some mild discomfort with the pressure down there. After that, the pressure started to get pretty painful so I don't really remember much. According to Jake, Dr. Lyons (the doctor who delivered her, who was spectacular, by the way) got to the room a little after 6:50. I remember opening my eyes long enough to see she was there and seeing that she had a scalpel. which I quickly put out of my mind (Jake said she never actually used it though). After several minutes the pressure was to the point that I felt like I couldn't do it any longer when all of the sudden a push felt REALLY good and they were putting a baby up on my chest! I couldn't believe it! After 39 minutes of pushing, she was finally here! After a minute or two on my chest she was still pretty purple so they took her for a minute to give her a little oxygen (she pinked up right away after that!), clean her up, and check her weight and height. Finally they brought her back and I was able to hold and cuddle my little girl! Even though my labor didn't go exactly according to my plan, I wouldn't change a thing about it (besides things I couldn't control, like the pain, etc)!
Ilyana has been the most perfect baby. She's absolutely beautiful and Jake and I are just so in love with her! I thank God everyday for entrusting us with His beautiful creation!