Friday, March 4, 2016

Ryker Paul Marzen

Ryker Paul Marzen was born Thursday March 3rd at 8:59 PM. He weighed a whopping 8 lbs. 6 oz. and measured 20.5 inches long. We are so in love with our little guy! Here's his birth story...

On Thursday morning at an OB appointment my doctor decided to go ahead and strip my membranes in hopes that it would get labor started. I had had this done before without it working though so I didn't have my hopes up. I came home and had a pretty regular day with Ilyana, playing, going to mommy and me, then coming home for a nap. Around 4:15 I started noticing some mild contractions about 10 minutes apart, but knowing that the membrane strip can cause false labor, I didn't think much of it. Then, around 5:15, contractions very suddenly became extremely intense and about 5 minutes apart. I set Ilyana up in her highchair with some food and 'Super Why' and after having three of those contractions I decided it was time to text Jake to come home (he was at church band practice). Jake rushed home and called his mom to come over to take care of Ilyana. Jake got home a little before 6, packed a few last minute things in the hospital bag, gave some instructions about Ilyana to Raylene, and off to the hospital we went. By this point contractions were about 3-5 minutes apart and it took everything in me to not cry out in pain during them. I'm definitely glad that we live so close to the hospital! Once we got to the hospital and got checked in they brought us back to our room and found that I was dilated to about 5.5 cm. I was begging them to let me get in a warm bath with the hope of it bringing relief! Finally after putting in my IV and getting the on call doctor's permission I was allowed to get into the bath. After about 10 minutes in the tub I decided to try some IV pain medication in hopes that it would take some of the edge off of the pain. Once I was out of the tub and back in bed they checked me before giving me the medication and found that I had progressed to 7cm already. The meds kicked in right away and helped with being able to relax in between contractions, however the contractions still hurt just as bad so I asked for an epidural. They would have to give me IV fluids for 20 minutes first though so they got those started, checked me (I was at 8 cm) and not long after my water broke with explosive force. Contractions got 10 times worse once my water broke and the only positon I found any sort of relief in was on my hands and knees, screaming in a pillow, begging for an epidural. Not long after, they informed me that the anesthesiologist was in surgery and probably wouldn't make it. I was not happy! Soon after, they checked me again and I was at 9.5 cm and my body was telling me to push. Having thought about a natural birth, the pushing was what scared me the most, but I have to say, every push brought SO much relief. After maybe 10 minutes of this they could see baby's head and were trying to convince me to stop pushing and roll over onto my back. I was having none of it and was defiantly yelling "no" and continued to push. They quickly called in the doctor and forced me to roll over (while I clung to Jake screaming). Ryker was crowning by the time I was on my back and 5 minutes of pushing later, he was out!
As painful as a natural birth was, the healing process has proved to me that it was worth it! I was able to be up and showering an hour after birth, I was able to easily walk around with minimal pain by the next morning, and I just all around feel good!
Ryker is doing awesome and Ilyana did great getting to meet him! We are so excited to start life as a family of four!