This morning started off a little rough. Both kids were a bit hangry (hungry+angry=hangry). Once the kids were both fed and happy (and mama too) we started the morning off playing with toys and reorganizing the toy bins we have. A few months ago I sorted all of our toys into 6 themed bins to help decrease clutter and help our play times have fewer toys and be less overwhelming. The bins have since been mixed and matched and needed some TLC before we could effectively use them again.
Around 11:15 Ryker woke up from his nap so we went upstairs and played in the play room for a while. Ilyana had a lot of fun playing with the door on the little people school house. She would close it, knock while saying "knock knock", then open and say "hello!". It's been so fun listening to her talk more and getting a little glimpse of what is going on in her mind! We also read a story out of "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" while upstairs. I've been having so much fun introducing my kids to Harry Potter! Before going downstairs we also put up a mesh crib liner in Ryker's crib to hopefully help keep pacifiers contained in the crib better.
Around noon we went downstairs and had lunch. We had leftovers from last night: BBQ pulled pork and corn. Both the kids ate really well and Ilyana had a lot of fun telling the dogs on her place mat to "sit!". Ilyana has been obsessed with animals lately, especially dogs and cats. Whenever she sees pictures of cats she pets them and says "aww, kitty!". She even found a Halloween card at Target yesterday with a big cat on it and carried it around showing everyone the "kitty".

After lunch, Ryker and Ilyana played peekaboo with a bucket over their heads and then Ilyana helped me unload and load the dishwasher. She was happy to accept two M&M's as payment for her labor. Once lunch was all cleaned up it was time for Ilyana to nap. Ryker and I cleaned up the living room and then read books for 15-20 minutes and then it was time for him to nap again also.

While the kids napped I started a load of laundry and finished putting away the cloth diapers then relaxed and watched an episode of Grey's Anatomy. Both kids woke up around 3 and we had somewhere to be at 4 so after a quick snack we packed up and left the house. We had about 20 minutes to kill so we stopped at the park. Grandpa Pete saw us playing while on his way home so he decided to stop by and help play too! Once we were done at the park we headed over to a church to help my brother-in-law Ben, and his wife Amy set up for their wedding reception! Ilyana did a great job just sitting and playing while I wore Ryker in the baby carrier and helped set up.
Jake met us at the church after his haircut and helped to set up as well. Around 5:30 we headed home to eat dinner. We had some chicken taco soup that had been cooking in the crock pot all day. Usually both kids go to bed around 7 but Ryker started losing it around 6:15 due to teething so we loaded him up with Tylenol and I went and put him to bed. This actually worked out really well because Jake was planning to help some friends move out of their apartment tonight so I was going to have to put both kids to bed by myself. Jake left once I got back downstairs and Ilyana was getting pretty grumpy so we went upstairs and she took a fun bubble bath and was off to bed as well.

I came downstairs and wrote this blog post and I'll probably watch some more Grey's Anatomy until Jake gets home. We're two episodes away from finishing Gilmore Girls (a second time) so we'll probably watch that together tonight!
We have a fun weekend ahead of us and I'm looking forward to sharing it with you!
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