Tuesday, February 3, 2015


We've made it to 9 months, 36 weeks! I meant to write this post yesterday but got distracted cleaning all day... can you say nesting??? But really, it sounds like miss Ilyana will be making her grand debut soon! I had an appointment today and the doctor was surprised to find that I was dilated 2 centimeters! She said there is no way to predict when exactly I will go into labor, but to not go on any long car rides and she highly doubts that I will go overdue. Jake and I are so ready and excited to meet our little girl so we are ecstatic about this news! I went and did some walking today (and used a pedicure gift card afterwards!) to hopefully keep things moving along. I talked to my mom a little bit today and she said that once she was actually in labor (she went 2 weeks over with both my brother and I! Yikes!), things progressed pretty quick, so we are hoping and praying that I will be the same (except sooner!). Miss Ilyana should now be about 18.6 inches and 5.8 pounds, about the size of a head of romaine lettuce. She continues to keep her foot lodged under one of my ribs, which, by the way, feels bruised at this point! Her head is down and in position and she is just packing on the pounds (about an ounce a day) until she makes her highly anticipated entrance.
As promised last week, here is a tour of Ilyana's room! Enjoy!

Information about Ilyana:
EDD: February 27th (24 days)

How mom's feeling: LOTS of pressure from her pushing down. Ready to meet my baby girl!

How dad's feeling: Having nightly chats with Ilyana about coming out soon!

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