Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Stalled labor

As many of you probably know, I went in to labor last night only to have it stall after about 10 hours of labor. Here's a timeline of what happened:

February 3rd:
11:30 a.m. -had an OB appointment, dilated 2 cm.

9:30 p.m. -started having and timing regular contractions about 10 minutes apart lasting 30 seconds.

11:30 p.m. -contractions had picked up to about every 3-5 minutes, getting somewhat painful, tried both laying down and walking around, nothing made them slow down/ease up.
-Called the hospital and was advised to continue timing contractions and call back around 2 am if they continued.

February 4th
12:30 a.m. -contractions consistently 2 minutes apart, 30 seconds long, couldn't talk or move through them.

1:45 a.m.- finished packing the bag and headed to the hospital.

2:15 a.m. -cervix dilated to 3 cm. but still thick and head not engaged. Advised to walk to see if I continue to progress.

3:00 a.m. -Still at 3 cm. but 90% effaced and head engaged (-2 station). Admitted to hospital. Contractions still strong and consistent.

5:00ish a.m.- contractions starting to slow to about 4 minutes apart, still unpleasant but not as painful.

10:00 a.m. -contractions continue to slow to about every 15 minutes. cervical check shows little change.

12:30 a.m. -Dilated to 4 cm. but contractions have mostly stopped. Decided to go home to wait for labor to start up again.

So basically they explained that it seems like my uterus is ready to be in labor but is struggling to keep the momentum going. At this point we are just waiting for the contractions to pick up again and once they are strong and consistent we'll head back in to the hospital to hopefully have this baby!

We are obviously disappointed to have everything come to a halt, however, we were both exhausted and I was feeling extremely nauseated from being so hungry so this is definitely a good opportunity to refuel and gear up for labor to start again. I was also reminded that my cervix isn't going to regress so at least I've gotten almost half of the dilating done!

I'll keep everyone updated!

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