Friday, July 4, 2014

Continually in prayer

6 weeks here we come! Hurray! Last week we started taking weekly pictures for the fun of watching my belly grow (I forgot to post last week's but it is now added to last week's post).
There really isn't much to share this week pregnancy related, our little lentil sized baby is just continuing to grow big and strong, so I figured I'd take some time to share with you some other exciting answers to prayer! Since getting pregnant we've obviously been praying for our little baby, but we've also been praying for our house. For any of you who don't know, we are part of the ROOTS program where they are building us a brand new house to help bring more new development to the flood zone, it's a spectacular deal. We originally got accepted into the program and put down some money on the house earlier this spring and since then have been waiting, sometimes not so patiently, for the city to finish their end of the processing before they give our builder the deed so they can break ground. Well after this past week or so of fervently praying for things to get moving the city has FINALLY finished and after receiving state approval our builder should *hopefully* get the deed in the next month or 2. Praise the Lord! We're really hoping that if the builder can at least break ground before winter that our house will be done before our little ones arrival!

Information about our little peanut:
EDD: Feb 27th (238 days)

How mom's feeling: very tired, very nauseous this morning :( , excited, nervous, CRAZY hormonal emotions (I've never dealt with pms emotions so this is new to me!)

How dad's feeling: Very excited, can't wait!

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