I've been thinking that it would be fun to write a "day in the life" post before our little man comes so that we can look back and see what life was like with just one little one! So without further ado, here is what a pretty typical day looks like for us!
6:30- Our alarm goes off and we can here Ilyana chattering in her crib so I grab her and she plays with daddy for a little bit while I take a shower and then we swap.
7:45- We all head downstairs so Jake can kiss us both goodbye and head to work. Ilyana and I eat some breakfast (today she has a banana and I have some pancakes) and then head into the living room to get dressed and play for a while. I've been trying to give her some time everyday to practice playing by herself so while she entertained herself with books and her alphabet train I sat down and put my very swollen feet up.
8:30- Ilyana starts to get bored and wants a bottle so I feed her and then we play together for a while. She was especially entertained this morning by a personalized book that has her picture in it (she's a bit of a narcissist. Haha!).
9:15- Ilyana starts acting really sleepy so we head upstairs to lay down in mommy and daddy's bed for a bit. She has fun romping around in it for a little while and then decides to come and lay down next to me to snuggle and take a cat nap (I may have dozed a little bit too... Building a baby is hard work!).
10:15- I put together a small diaper bag and wake up the little sleepy head so we can go over to a friends house. A good friend of ours always takes fantastic photos of her son so she had Ilyana and I as well as Jenna and Charlotte over to give us some pointers on taking better pictures of our sweet kiddos! I'm so excited to use some of the great tips that she gave us. Thanks Megan!
12:30- We stopped at Chic-fil-a on the way home to pick up some lunch and I got Ilyana her very own kids meal for the first time! She ended up eating the entire thing, the little chunker!
1:00- By the time she was done eating it was nap time so she went into her crib for a good nap and I cleaned up after lunch, started this blog post, and then got a little bit of cleaning done.
3:30- Ilyana wakes up, eats a bottle, and we play for a little bit before going to Target to get a couple of things (including clearance valentines day candy of course!).
5:00- We get home from Target and daddy gets home not long after, yay! We all played together and chat about our days for a while.
6:10- We start our bedtime routine (dinner, bath time, PJ's, bottle, and bed). Ilyana had fun in the bath tonight with some bath crayons and didn't want to get out! Once she was in bed though she fell asleep pretty quick; it was a busy day!
6:45- Ilyana is down for bed so we clean up a bit and get Rover (our Roomba) going and settle into our evening activities. Tonight, Jake is working on a church app and I am working on this blog post and then reading. We'll probably play some video games together and I'll more than likely take a relaxing bath before bed around 10:30.
That's pretty much our day! I look forward to writing another "day in the life" post once we are settled into a routine with Ryker and seeing just how much life has changed!
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