Monday, October 20, 2014

Kicking queen

Here we are at 21 weeks and Ilyana is kicking up a storm. That is, when daddy's not trying to feel! She will be kicking like crazy but as soon as he puts his hand on my stomach she stops, and starts up again as soon as he gives up! So either she's very stubborn or is just calmed by daddy's presence! However, he did finally get to feel a couple of good kicks Saturday morning. He was pretty excited and thought "it felt really weird". It's been really neat to start to figure out her activity patterns and know about when to start expecting her kicks. They aren't hard enough to wake me up at night yet (I'm not complaining!), but during the day she usually kicks around 8:30 or 9, again around 12:30, for an extended period of time from around 4:30-6, and once more before bed around 9:15. I'll feel a couple of random kicks throughout the day as well, but for now, that seems to be her schedule. If she wants to keep that schedule once she's here I would be totally ok with that! Not so little Ilyana is now approximately 12.5 ounces and almost 11 inches long, about the size of a large carrot! Jenna was holding up a piece of paper the other night saying that it was 8x11 and I think my mouth literally fell open at the thought of our little baby girl being that big! Looking at my stomach, we can definitely tell she is growing though!
In other news, our house should finally be getting started this week. After contacting the city about the hold up in the process, they talked to our builder and told them that their eligibility to build in the program was being reconsidered. Very quickly, our builder 'magically' got the document from their bank that we've been waiting for. Our deed will be discussed at the city council meeting on Tuesday and after that our builder should begin building. From what I hear, the city is going to sit down with our builder to discuss the timeline of our house getting built to make sure that they are getting it done in a reasonable amount of time. It will definitely be cutting it close, but there is still a chance that we will be able to get into our house before Ilyana comes. Please pray that we can!

Information about Ilyana:
EDD: Feb. 27th (130 days)

How mom's feeling: Besides some back pain (looking forward to the chiropractor this week!), doing great!

How dad's feeling: Super excited to have felt her kick!

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