Friday, August 26, 2016

Cloth diapers - The how and why!

Cloth diapering is something I have been interested in for a long time but never got up the gumption to actually do it. The idea of having to wash dirty diapers and figure out how to put them on was intimidating to say the least. However after receiving a diaper to try in exchange for a review on Amazon (This is the site I use if you're interested in reviewing products) I realized just how easy cloth diapering is and I was hooked!
The two biggest reasons I have been interested in cloth diapering are: 1. Price. For about the same price that I can get a couple months worth of disposable diapers (on sale) I can buy everything that I will ever need for cloth diapering up until Ryker is potty trained. That's a lot of money! 2. At the risk of sounding vane, the other reason I've wanted to cloth diaper is that they are SO CUTE! Seriously, it's so hard to pick which prints to buy, I want them all! My stash definitely includes a Harry Potter and a Pokemon themed diaper, by the way.
So cloth diapering is cost effective and fun, not to mention better for the environment, but surely it can't be easy. False! This is a typical diaper change: Take off diaper, wipe, put on new diaper (just like a disposable, only snaps on the tabs), put dirty diaper in laundry basket, done! Ryker only poops every few days, but if there is poop then there's one extra step of rinsing the poop off the diaper. Washing them is easy too. Every 2-3 days I put all of the dirty diapers into the washing machine and run a heavy rinse cycle with my usual detergent, then add whatever dirty clothes need washed to help bulk up the load and run a regular heavy washing cycle with more detergent,then just throw it all in the dryer. It really is quite simple!
I haven't tried very many kinds of cloth diapers because I really like what I have. Most of mine are Alva pocket diapers. I also have a Mama Koala all-in-one which is probably my least favorite, it's very bulky compared to the others. If you're interested in cloth diapering, the biggest resources I have found have been Fluff Love University and the Cloth Diapering groups on Babycenter and Facebook. You're more than welcome to ask me any questions you have and I'll do my best to answer or at least point you in the right direction!

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