7:15- Jake gets out of the shower and wakes me up (he's running a bit behind this morning after staying up a little later than usual playing video games). I go and shower and get dressed while he gets Ilyana up. They play for a little bit in our room and then he takes her downstairs to get started on some breakfast.
8:00- Jake kisses us goodbye and Ilyana eats some breakfast (toast with honey) while I make myself some oatmeal and load the dishwasher.
8:20- Ilyana finishes eating and goes to play for a little bit while I finish eating. She's been completely obsessed with playing with her baby lately!
8:30- Ilyana is a bit grumpy since she took a while to fall asleep last night so I turn on half an episode of Super Why for her to watch while I finish the last few bites of my breakfast. After I finish eating we snuggle on the couch for a bit while she finishes the episode.
8:45- Ryker wakes up so Ilyana plays on her own while I go and get him up, change him, and feed him. He's such a happy baby when he wakes up!
9:05- I get Ilyana dressed and then the 3 of us read a couple of books.
9:10- We're going to a birthday lunch later today so I let Ilyana color a card for our friend. She loves to color!
9:20- Ryker does some tummy time and Ilyana plays with her alphabet train for a little bit.
9:30- It's time for Ryker to nap so I go and put him in his room. Ilyana asks for a snack when I come back downstairs (she uses sign language) so I grab her a nutrigrain bar and then we sit and read books for a while.
9:45- Ilyana is getting really tired so I put her down for a nap a little early (she usually goes down at 10).
9:50- I run the roomba in the living room where Ilyana crumbled a bunch of her snack and then clean the bathrooms. I've been using this cleaning schedule and I really like it! It's a very manageable amount everyday and I like that weekends are free and that it includes monthly and yearly chores.
10:30- I sit down to get started on this blog post and rest for a bit before getting Ryker up.
11:00- I wake up Ryker so that he can eat and play in his bouncer for a bit while I pack up the diaper bag. (I try to get everything packed up for outings while at least one kid is sleeping to make leaving a bit easier).
11:45- I go and wake up Ilyana and notice she feels warm so I check her temperature real quick (100.2) and give her some motrin. I'm 90% sure it's just from teething so we still leave for our afternoon activities.
12:00- We get to Newbo and grab lunch to eat outside with friends. Ilyana doesn't much (I'm assuming she's not feeling the best) but has fun walking around and Ryker is napping in the stroller.
12:50- We leave to go to our weekly Mommy and Me class at the hospital. I fed Ryker once we got there and Ilyana ate a couple of puffs while there.
2:15- Ilyana is starting to lose it so we leave Mommy and Me a little early and go home.
2:30- We get home and Ilyana eats a small snack (carrot mango applesauce and half a fruit cup) and then I put her down for a nap.
2:50- both kids are sleeping so I relax for a little bit and start reading my Bible study book for small group.
3:45- I feed Ryker and then play with him for a little bit.
4:30- Ryker goes down for a nap and I finish reading my book for small group.
5:15- I wake up Ilyana and we go snuggle on the couch for a little bit.
5:20- daddy is home! Yay!
5:30- Jake and I workout for a bit (we're doing the bikini body mommy workout challenge, it's hard!) While Ilyana watches a little bit of tv.
6- Ryker wakes up to eat and Jake goes to save his brother who's car died.
6:30- Jake and his brother get back and throw some chicken and asparagus on the grill for dinner and I fry some potatoes. Ilyana ends up just eating some blueberries for dinner (which usually wouldn't fly but she's very obviously not feeling well).
6:45- Ryker goes to nap.
7:15- We give Ilyana some more Motrin and Jake gives her a bath and starts putting her to bed. I go and lay down for a bit since I'm pretty exhausted but Ryker wakes up screaming as I shut my eyes (he's good at that). So I go and get him in pajamas and feed him. He goes right to sleep.
8:00- After feeding Ryker I go downstairs and my small group is already there so Jake heads upstairs to play video games while we meet.
9:15- We wrap up small group and say goodbye. I head upstairs and finish this post and now I'll go to sleep!
That's life with 2! Never a dull moment in this house!
This weekend I'm planning to roll out a blog post on our big 15 month old!
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