Sunday, July 3, 2016

4 months - Ryker

Ryker is four months old today! He is no longer a snuggly newborn! Ryker is now rolling over (both directions), trying hard to scoot, and almost always has something to say (or rather, shout). He's at the stage of putting everything in his mouth, including his snuggly blue bunny that he's obsessed with. He loves to play with crinkly books, his exersaucer, and looking in mirrors. Thanks to the four month sleep regression his sleep has been rough lately, usually waking up every 2-3 hours, often wanting to nurse. However we've been working hard on getting him to fall asleep on his own and are hoping that it will help a ton as he gets over this regression. Sometimes it's easy to wish away these sleepless nights, 45 minute naps, and constant need for attention but I really do try to savor every moment with my beautiful, smiley, son.

Ryker loves: standing up, having conversations, his bunny, crinkly books, his family, nursing, and listening to mama sing.

Ryker dislikes: baths, being held like a baby, being ignored.

Weight: 16 lbs. 3 oz.

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