We had a little surprise to welcome us into 15 weeks, last night I felt little peanut move for the first time! I had a little cramp in my stomach so I was massaging it and after I stopped I felt a tiny little jab from the inside that felt almost like a bubble popped in my belly, it was as though peanut was saying "hey! Stop that!"! I felt it once or twice today too, so exciting! In other pregnancy news, peanut is now about 4 inches long and about the size of an apple! This week was really rough as far as sickness goes. For a couple weeks now I've been really struggling with getting headaches several times a week. Being pregnant Tylenol is the only pain reliever I can take and it does nothing. This week I got a headache Monday night, it got bad enough Tuesday morning that I was throwing up most of the morning and lasted until Thursday night. I finally got in to see my OB today and everything checked out normal so she prescribed me some stronger pain meds which should hopefully help. I'm also looking forward to seeing a chiropractor next week to help with some of the neck pain that accompanies the headaches.
Finally, I wanted to share that I will be done working a little sooner than I had originally planned. After talking with Jake and my boss, we decided it would be best for everyone if I were to quit working. I try to only stay home sick when I absolutely can not function, however I was still missing a lot of work between sickness and appointments and I didn't want to continue to put my boss in that position. We also felt like it would be nice if I were able to take it a little easier on the days I'm feeling sick but maybe would push myself to work through it. So Friday the 19th will be my last day working as a nanny. I'm so excited to be a full time wife for a few months before our sweet little peanut arrives and I thank God (and my very hard working husband) that this is possible. However I'm also sad to be leaving such a wonderful family! Yasue (my boss) has become one of my closest friends and I just love these kids to pieces! But I know that I will continue to see them, even if it's not everyday, and from everything I've heard about Kirsten (my replacement) they are in great hands!
Information about peanut:
EDD: Feb 27th (175 days)
How mom's feeling: praying for relief from these headaches! So excited about feeling the baby move!
How dad's feeling: jealous that he can't feel the baby move yet!
*picture to come tomorrow ;)
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