16 weeks is here and wow is our baby getting big! Our little peanut is now 4.5 inches and weighing about 3.5 ounces. Also, their little heart is now pumping 25 quarts of blood every day. I've been continuing to feel them move most everyday, which is really neat! Along with headaches, I've started to experience another 2nd trimester symptom, round ligament pain. Here is WebMD's description of round ligament pain: Several thick ligaments surround and support your womb (uterus) as it grows during pregnancy. One of them is called the round ligament. The round ligament connects the front part of the womb to your groin, the area where your legs attach to your pelvis. The round ligament normally tightens and relaxes slowly. As your baby and womb grow, the round ligament stretches. That makes it more likely to become strained. Sudden movements can cause the ligament to tighten quickly, like a rubber band snapping. This causes a sudden and quick jabbing feeling. For the past week or so I've been experiencing this once or twice a day, however I had no idea what was going on! I was getting a little concerned but decided to wait to ask my doctor at my next appointment (on Monday). However, I happened upon a segment on round ligament pain as I was reading what was going on with our baby this week and it described my symptoms perfectly. This week I also visited a chiropractor to see if he could help relieve some of my headaches. I'm feeling very hopeful that it will help. He explained that there are occipital nerves that connect to the back of the neck (my headaches often start with, and are the worst, behind my right eye and at the base of my skull), as he was adjusting me he noticed that I have some large knots right around the area that the nerves are, explaining a large reason why I get these headaches so often. Since getting adjusted it has definitely helped some, and I'm confident that with a few more adjustments it should relieve the situation even more.
Information about peanut:
EDD: February 27th (167 days)
How mom's feeling: Excited about our growing baby!
I remember round ligament pain! I'm glad you went to the chiro and it's helping. Love you!