We are celebrating 19 weeks with some exciting news! Last night, my hand was able to feel the baby move! I was coming back to bed after a middle of the night snack and had my hand resting on my stomach as I was falling back to sleep and felt a little kick! At first I thought maybe it was just a trick of the mind, but then I felt it again several more times. It was so neat! After several tries today, Jake was able to feel a little kick this evening too! In equally exciting news, we will be finding out gender THIS FRIDAY! Everyone can look forward to seeing the announcement sometime that evening after Jake has gotten off work and we've had a chance to announce to all the soon to be grandparents. So now is the time to start calculating your guess, will our little peanut be a boy or a girl? If you'd like to check out our answers to some of the gender wives tales, feel free to take a look at last weeks post.
Besides that exciting news, not a whole lot has been going on this week. My hips have been a bit sore so we're praying that that would subside soon. My stomach has definitely been growing a lot these past few weeks too which is fun. I'll try to remember to snap a picture tomorrow (I'm already in my pj's for the night). It's no wonder my stomach is getting big though, our little peanut is already about 8.7 ounces and 10 inches long (we can start measuring from head to toe instead of head to rump now)!
Information about Peanut:
EDD: Feb. 27th (146 days)
How mom's feeling: Painful hips, but really excited about everything!
How dad's feeling: Really excited to find out the gender (we both are guessing girl)!
I'm guessing boy! But I'll be thrilled with either one.