Monday, July 28, 2014

Fetal stage is here!

Here we are in week 9, welcoming our little peanut into the fetal stage! I really don't have a whole lot to report this week. It's been another week of some days feeling sick and others feeling mostly fine. On Monday we had our first prenatal appointment with a nurse. It was fun to see how things are finally getting moving with appointments and what not. The appointment went well, we basically just talked about how things have been going and what to expect from here forward. My next appointment is mid August and we'll get to hear a heart beat then! Monday night we had our first prenatal class at bridgehaven. It was a lot of fun getting to see pictures of babies in the womb and just being around other expecting moms. This weekend we're on vacation! We decided to go to the Kentucky/Ohio border and go to the creation museum and an aviation museum. Our bed and breakfast is a beautiful farm house with lots of cute kitties and horses to play with! Lastly, I wanted to apologize for not putting up a picture last week, after writing the post I had meant to get a picture taken and then post it but I kept being either too sick or too busy to get the picture taken so finally I just decided to post it and wait to put up a picture this week.

Information about peanut
EDD: Feb 27th (216 days)

How mom's feeling: sick in the morning and at night but usually fine during the day.

How dad's feeling: enjoying reading a couple of parenting books!

Monday, July 21, 2014

I am blessed

(Written on 7/18. Will update with photo later)

 I told you 8 weeks would be here in a flash! Week 7 was filled with more nausea and vomiting, but I also had some good days too where I wasn't feeling too bad! I've also stated noticing a little bit of a baby bump recently! Hurray! This week our little peanut is a whole inch long and continuing to grow bigger everyday! Also exciting, no more tail! This is also its last week as an embryo!  We're very excited for our first prenatal appointment on Monday and our first prenatal class at bridgehaven Monday night!
Now as promised, I'm going to spend some time doting on Jake :) He has been SO amazingly supportive! Being so sick, it's been really hard to cook or clean or do much of anything. He has been so helpful with making dinner, helping me out and all the while without making me feel bad. He's been fetching me water and blankets while I'm camped out at the toilet and making sure I'm taking my prenatal every day. That's not even to mention how interested and involved he's been with our peanut. It's so sweet to watch him talk to our little one and ask about how he or she is growing this week! And I can't forget to mention how hard he's been working and will be working to provide for us! This hardworking man of mine is hoping to work full time and do school full time this next school year! I really am just so blessed with this wonderful husband of mine. He's going to make such a great daddy!

Information about little peanut:
EDD: Feb 27th (224 days)

How mom's feeling: tired, sick, tired of being sick, looking forward to everything!

How dad's feeling: still very excited!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Finding Hope

7 weeks is here (and will be gone in a flash)! Week 6 was filled with lots and lots of nausea. I was nauseated every moment of every day. It was really difficult, both physically and emotionally. I was really starting to feel very hopeless about ever feeling more than 'ok' for a while. But today has brought with it a little bit of a respite. There have still been some moments of nausea, but on the whole, so far, I've felt more than OK today. It's encouraging to know that even if I'm sick again tomorrow there's at least hope that I could have another good day soon!
On a more exciting note, in the past week our little peanut has doubled in size and is now the size of a blueberry! It's just so neat how quickly our little one is growing! This week the major developments are hands and feet as well as continuing to grow major organs. It's so cool to think about everything God is doing to create this tiny human!

Information about peanut:
EDD: February 27th (230 days)

How mom's feeling: usually pretty nauseated, learning to just not think about food (it's quite a task!), so thankful for Jake's awesome support (I imagine that there will be a post doting on him very soon :) )

How dad's feeling: a little stressed thinking about school and work, but still very excited!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Continually in prayer

6 weeks here we come! Hurray! Last week we started taking weekly pictures for the fun of watching my belly grow (I forgot to post last week's but it is now added to last week's post).
There really isn't much to share this week pregnancy related, our little lentil sized baby is just continuing to grow big and strong, so I figured I'd take some time to share with you some other exciting answers to prayer! Since getting pregnant we've obviously been praying for our little baby, but we've also been praying for our house. For any of you who don't know, we are part of the ROOTS program where they are building us a brand new house to help bring more new development to the flood zone, it's a spectacular deal. We originally got accepted into the program and put down some money on the house earlier this spring and since then have been waiting, sometimes not so patiently, for the city to finish their end of the processing before they give our builder the deed so they can break ground. Well after this past week or so of fervently praying for things to get moving the city has FINALLY finished and after receiving state approval our builder should *hopefully* get the deed in the next month or 2. Praise the Lord! We're really hoping that if the builder can at least break ground before winter that our house will be done before our little ones arrival!

Information about our little peanut:
EDD: Feb 27th (238 days)

How mom's feeling: very tired, very nauseous this morning :( , excited, nervous, CRAZY hormonal emotions (I've never dealt with pms emotions so this is new to me!)

How dad's feeling: Very excited, can't wait!